Shoulder Pain - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Embrace the Journey of Recovery with Regenerative Masters

Your shoulder joint is a powerhouse that enables you to perform a multitude of movements. From reaching for your favorite coffee mug to throwing a ball to your furry friend, your shoulder is constantly in motion. However, when shoulder pain strikes, it can be debilitating and hinder your ability to carry out even the simplest of tasks. Even staying in one position for an extended period can lead to excruciating pain.

While some people resort to at-home remedies or physiotherapy, others end up going through the ordeal of shoulder replacement surgery – a painful and invasive procedure that can take a long time to recover from.

Thankfully, there’s a non-invasive way. Regenerative Masters has completely revolutionized the approach to shoulder pain treatment. By harnessing the power of cellular therapy, quantum healing, and spectrum healing, we can help eliminate your chronic aches and help you regain your quality of life.

Our team at Regenerative Masters is composed of experts in nine different disciplines, and we use a complimentary combination of these to help provide you with the relief you need.

Say goodbye to shoulder pain and hello to a new lease on life with Regenerative Masters.
women with Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain Symptoms

The signs associated with shoulder pain may include-
  • Pain or discomfort in the shoulder joint, which may be sharp, dull, or achy in nature.
  • Limited range of motion or difficulty moving the arm in certain directions.
  • Stiffness or a feeling of tightness in the shoulder joint.
  • Weakness in the shoulder or arm muscles, which may affect daily activities such as reaching or lifting.
  • Swelling, redness, or warmth in the shoulder joint may indicate inflammation or infection.
  • Clicking or popping sensations in the shoulder joint during movement.
  • Numbness or tingling in the arm or hand, which may indicate nerve compression or injury.
  • Difficulty sleeping due to shoulder pain, particularly when lying on the affected side.
  • Loss of appetite or mood changes, which may occur as a result of chronic or severe shoulder pain.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint capable of a wide range of motion to perform various activities. Made up of eight muscles that support its movement, the shoulder provides more range of motion to the human body than any other joint. Chronic shoulder pain can be exhausting, causing great pain and discomfort.
Joint pains are hard to live with. Multiple doctor visits and numerous x-rays yield next to no results regarding chronic joint aches. Shoulder pain, in particular, has become a problem that many people suffer from, irrespective of age.
Because of its flexibility, the shoulder muscles go through a lot of use. This can sometimes be damaging and lead to pain due to several reasons.

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis, commonly known as tendonitis, is when the bones and tendons in your shoulder joint are inflamed or irritated. Tendonitis develops over time due to overuse of the shoulder. It can happen due to sleeping on one shoulder every night, sitting in one position for an extended period, or doing activities that require lifting your arms and shoulders a lot. 

Tendonitis is common in athletes who play sports where their shoulder is excessively used, such as swimming, playing tennis, or baseball. That is why this joint ache can also be referred to as a swimmer’s shoulder or pitcher’s shoulder. 

Osteoarthritis, or arthritis of the joint, is another reason people may suffer from shoulder pain. Arthritis is caused due to weak muscles or overusing the shoulder muscles. It is prevalent in people who are overweight. Age can also be a factor in osteoarthritis; it is most common in people over fifty to sixty years of age. 

People suffering from arthritis experience joint stiffness, inflammation, and joint pain. Your joints may feel stiff after you wake up in the morning or after there is movement when you have been sitting in one position for a long time. The risk of developing osteoarthritis is higher if there is a genetic history of this disease. 

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint capable of a wide range of motion to perform various activities. Made up of eight muscles that support its movement, the shoulder provides more range of motion to the human body than any other joint. Chronic shoulder pain can be exhausting, causing great pain and discomfort. 

Joint pains are hard to live with. Multiple doctor visits and numerous x-rays yield next to no results regarding chronic joint aches. Shoulder pain, in particular, has become a problem that many people suffer from, irrespective of age. 

Because of its flexibility, the shoulder muscles go through a lot of use. This can sometimes be damaging and lead to pain due to several reasons.

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis, commonly known as tendonitis, is when the bones and tendons in your shoulder joint are inflamed or irritated. Tendonitis develops over time due to overuse of the shoulder. It can happen due to sleeping on one shoulder every night, sitting in one position for an extended period, or doing activities that require lifting your arms and shoulders a lot. 

Tendonitis is common in athletes who play sports where their shoulder is excessively used, such as swimming, playing tennis, or baseball. That is why this joint ache can also be referred to as a swimmer’s shoulder or pitcher’s shoulder. 


Osteoarthritis, or arthritis of the joint, is another reason people may suffer from shoulder pain. Arthritis is caused due to weak muscles or overusing the shoulder muscles. It is prevalent in people who are overweight. Age can also be a factor in osteoarthritis; it is most common in people over fifty to sixty years of age. 

People suffering from arthritis experience joint stiffness, inflammation, and joint pain. Your joints may feel stiff after you wake up in the morning or after there is movement when you have been sitting in one position for a long time. The risk of developing osteoarthritis is higher if there is a genetic history of this disease. 

woman with her hands on her head because of stress and anxiety

When your body perceives a threat of any sort, its reflex action is to go into survival mode and tense up. Stress and anxiety have become part and parcel of life today and can cause stiffness and soreness in the shoulders, leading to pain. 

Extended periods of stress and anxiety-inducing situations can lead to prolonged shoulder stiffness, eventually resulting in a frozen shoulder.

Other Causes of Shoulder Pain Include:

  • Dislocated shoulder
  • Spinal cord injury 
  • Torn cartilage
  • Torn rotator cuff 
  • A pinched nerve in the neck or shoulder

Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain

Diagnosis for shoulder pain may include the following-

  • Conduct a physical examination to assess the range of motion, strength, and stability of the shoulder joint.
  • Review the patient’s medical history, including any past shoulder injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions.
  • Evaluating the nature and location of the pain, as well as any factors that aggravate or alleviate it.
  • Imaging tests, such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans, to evaluate for underlying structural problems such as fractures, dislocations, or rotator cuff tears.
  • Consider performing electromyography (EMG) or nerve conduction studies to evaluate nerve function and rule out conditions such as brachial plexus injuries or thoracic outlet syndrome.
  • Blood tests to evaluate for underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the pain, such as arthritis, Lyme disease, or autoimmune disorders
Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain Treatment Options

Shoulder Pain Treatment With Regenerative Masters

Regenerative Masters firmly believe that to treat a person, they have to be seen as a whole and not just as a part of the body that is affected. Conventional medicine tends to reduce patients to their problem area and treat the affected region.

We at Regenerative Masters aim to address the emotional, psychological, physical, neurological, and energetic reasons that negatively contribute to your health condition. We use a variety of disciplines for treatments, such as;
  • Naturopathy
  • Sports medicine
  • Regenerative and Cellular Therapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Diet
  • Chiropractic Treatment
  • Psychological Therapy
  • Personal Training
Using a combination of the fields mentioned above of treatment, Regenerative Masters get real and dramatic results in due course.
The miraculous results boost the zeal to heal.

Meet Our Founder – Dr. Ron Hanson

Dr. Ron Hanson, our founder and guide diagnoses the root causes of health conditions by using unique methods to optimize your body to accommodate new tissue growth. With over twelve years of experience developing advanced cellular therapies, Dr. Hanson fully activates your neurological functions to bring about long-lasting relief.

He is committed to improving his treatment methods and exploring new ways to enhance the body’s natural healing abilities. With his extensive clinical knowledge and expertise, he provides effective regenerative therapies, making him a highly skilled and experienced practitioner in his field.

Regenerative and cellular therapy has several advantages, which include minimized recovery time, minimally invasive procedures, and a long-lasting solution to chronic joint pain. Full-spectrum healing can enable your body to heal and come together as one entity.

A Pain-Free Life is Possible: Seek Healing at Regenerative Masters

Using a holistic approach to treatment and synergizing nine treatment disciplines, our team at Regenerative Masters coordinates care together. Regenerative Masters provide long-lasting solutions to chronic conditions people believed they would live with for their entire lives. 

We strive to help in enabling people to live a full life free from chronic pain. We help patients to get rid of chronic pains and improve their quality of life by doing away with the root causes of pain and dysfunction.

Contact us today by sending us your details at or by ringing (612) 800-5096.