Full Spectrum Healing

Healing Pyramid
Do you ever wonder how your body aches at odd times during the day? Do you ever feel depressed at the thought of going through the rest of your life with joint pain, emotional baggage, and extremely low energy? Just the idea makes a person feel exhausted.
Contemplating a life where you have constant body aches and are not living up to your full potential can be debilitating to a person’s soul. Most assume that healing involves multiple doctor visits and thousands of dollars worth of medical tests.
But what if you find out that there is a way to heal your body? A way where you could find a comprehensive solution to all your health problems.
We at Regenerative Masters are here to tell you that you can be healed, ensuring you live your best life to the end of your years.
Regenerative Masters introduces you to the concept of full spectrum healing.

What is Full Spectrum Healing?

Full spectrum healing is a form of medicine that uses energy and a combination of conventional medical practices to heal a body. Incorporating energy allows a person to connect with their inner self and naturally touch the desire for healing their body.
At Regenerative Masters, we believe a person should be treated as a whole. Viewing and embracing the body as a whole allows our experts to treat patients in an organized manner that provides positive synergy to the treatment process. Full spectrum healing will enable patients to heal using unique ways to treat the root causes and triggers.
Every person has a distinctive set of causes, symptoms, and triggers that need to be focused on with care and passion. Experts at Regenerative Masters believe each individual is unique and requires a thorough examination and collaborative treatment plans.


Full spectrum healing uses a combination of medical disciplines to treat the core issues, which can help heal your body dramatically, providing real results.

Each patient comes to us with a complex combination of symptoms and causes. Treating the patient as more than the sum of their triggers and symptoms is essential. Our team at Regenerative Masters focuses on treating the entire patient by addressing the neurological, physical, energetic, emotional, and structural reasons for your condition.

Our experts use a combination of medical disciplines that can help provide a complete healing experience to our patients and help get rid of chronic aches that have troubled them for years.


Full spectrum healing uses a combination of medical disciplines to treat the core issues, which can help heal your body dramatically, providing real results.

Each patient comes to us with a complex combination of symptoms and causes. Treating the patient as more than the sum of their triggers and symptoms is essential. Our team at Regenerative Masters focuses on treating the entire patient by addressing the neurological, physical, energetic, emotional, and structural reasons for your condition.

Our experts use a combination of medical disciplines that can help provide a complete healing experience to our patients and help get rid of chronic aches that have troubled them for years.

Here are some of the disciplines used at Regenerative Masters for full spectrum healing:

A combination of the disciplines mentioned above allows our team at Regenerative Masters to ensure full spectrum healing of the entire body.

Our experts believe that complete healing can only happen when all the emotional, neurological, and structural causes of sickness are treated in a comprehensive manner. By working as a team and using a fusion of different medical practices, Regenerative Masters can help you at the most optimum level.

1 Week Assessment And Treatment Protocol

The various aspects of pain and dysfunction are analyzed individually as well as in combination. The Regenerative Masters team collaborates, using their unique skills and knowledge, to effectively address the root causes of your condition to improve your overall health, well-being, and functionality
Physiologic distortions
Emotional dysregulation
Cervical instability
Sympathetic dysfunction

1 Week Protocol Assessments

All the experts assess your condition individually. The assessment is inclusive of a range of measures which may include reviewing your medical history, performing a physical examination, laboratory analysis, digital motion x-ray, MRI, ultrasound, Quest diagnostic scan, and various other assessments.
The result of all the assessments conducted by each expert are shared among the group of specialists. A collaborative approach to bring about complete healing is drawn up.


The human mind can be blissfully unaware of what a miracle their body is. A complex series of procedures are involved in keeping the body functioning at all times.
And just as any other magnificent machine, the human body has a feedback mechanism and multiple intersecting processes that can come to a protesting stop due to any form of dysfunction.
Let’s look at a basic example.
When tissue or organ damage in a specific area of your body, say your wrist joint, your focus might only be on healing that particular joint and getting rid of the pain. What you might not understand is that your wrist joint pain might be a symptom of several other anomalies that could be happening in your body. Your wrist joint pain could result from a trigger of something deeper that might be occurring on the inside.
This is where Regenerative Masters Approach comes in.
Not only do we aim to treat your health problem locally, but we also tackle the problem by using an amalgamation of several medical disciplines. This builds confidence in the patient that, along with the local issue, all underlying causes are being treated to provide long-term, relief.


The Regenerative Masters Approach aims to treat the patient in a manner that shows real and dramatic results.
Cellular and regenerative therapy is a concept that is slowly emerging as a comprehensive solution for chronic pains and other health problems.
Considered to be one of the most minimally invasive techniques, regenerative and cellular therapy one’s cells to revive an affected area. Regenerative therapy is inherently designed to alleviate the pain and bring about long-lasting relief.
Regenerative and cellular therapy has several advantages, which include minimized recovery time, minimally invasive procedures, and a long-lasting solution to chronic pain. Full-spectrum healing can enable your body to heal and come together as one entity.
The upper cervical spine is touted as one of the most important areas regarding correct alignment and posture. Experts at Regenerative Masters believe that successfully treating the upper cervical spine can allow other body parts to heal and flourish.

Cellular and regenerative therapies allow the body to heal naturally. Cell injections allow the regeneration of crucial components in your body by locating the damaged tissue and beginning the rejuvenation process. This cell regeneration allows your body to heal naturally using the cells harvested from your own body.

Under the able guidance of Dr. Ron Hanson, Regenerative Masters has been performing regenerative and cellular therapy procedures for over 12 years. Our protocols are some of the advanced ones on an international level. We have successfully continued to upgrade our treatment and therapy methods, aiming to deliver precise and positive results.
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Restore Your Life | Regenerative Masters

One-Week Protocol - What to Expect as a Patient

Clients seeking to heal themselves using full spectrum healing at Regenerative Masters are first put in touch with the staff and Dr. Ron Hanson to confirm if the one-week protocol applies to their particular condition. Common conditions treated at Regenerative Masters are:

Once the patient has consented to move forward, Regenerative Masters begin their one-week protocol, wherein the first step is the physiological evaluation. After devising a treatment plan, the initial interventions are discussed with the patient and the therapy providers. The order of therapies, treatments, and evaluations might differ from client to client, depending on the health problem they are suffering from. The patient undergoes physical therapy before undergoing the regenerative and cellular therapy procedure and after it as well. The entire treatment is concluded with a follow-up session which includes the patient and Dr. Ron Hanson. This is where the patient is informed of what to expect during the coming months.

Aftercare Post One-Week Protocol

Regenerative Masters are entirely focused on enhancing treatment methods by consolidating mood variations, transformations in your neurological system, and physical therapies to approach your healing and recovery in a holistic manner. Regular emotional, sympathetic, and physiological interventions positively impact healing after regenerative therapy. Depending on the information collected during the one-week protocol, further care and more intensive interventions might be necessary for certain areas of your body. It naturally takes time for the neurological system to stabilize and return to normal. Focusing on physiological and emotional improvements during the healing process is important to ensure a speedy recovery.

Embrace Full Spectrum Healing at Regenerative Masters

Using a holistic approach to treatment and synergizing nine treatment disciplines, our team at Regenerative Masters coordinates care together. Regenerative Masters provide long-lasting solutions to chronic conditions people believed they would live with for their entire lives.

Dr. Ron Hanson, our founder, and guide, diagnoses the root causes of health conditions by using unique methods to optimize your body to accommodate new tissue growth. With over twelve years of experience developing advanced cellular therapies, Dr. Hanson offers full activation of your neurological functions through full spectrum healing.

Regenerative Masters enable people to live a full life without any hindrances. They help patients to get rid of chronic pains and improve their quality of life by doing away with the root causes of pain and dysfunction.

Contact us today by sending us your details at info@regenerativemasters.com or by ringing (612) 800-5096. Embrace the chance to live your life carefree.