Neck pain can be debilitating and interfere with your daily life. In fact, it affects 15% of people in the US and is among the top five disorders. Whether you suffer from chronic neck pain or have recently injured your neck, finding an effective treatment is crucial to returning to your routine.
Experience Faster Healing and Lasting Relief with Regenerative Therapy.
Regenerative medicine, a field focused on harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities, offers a promising option for neck pain treatment. With the help of Regenerative Masters, you can boost your body’s healing process and finally find relief from neck pain.
The intensity of your neck pain may be mild, causing minimal interference with your daily activities, or it might be severe enough to result in disability.
If your neck hurts, you may witness symptoms including:
The primary function of the neck is to safeguard the critical and life-sustaining parts of the brain stem, which are essential for our well-being.
Regenerative therapies have significantly shown improvements in the body which positively responds to neck pain treatment. However other forms of treatment may provide relief, but the body’s protective nature can cause instability and dysfunction in other regions.
At Regenerative Masters, Dr. Hanson employs a thorough assessment process using ultrasound and fluoroscopy to identify the primary issue to treat and utilizes some of the most advanced cellular therapies to provide optimal results.
Dr. Ron Hanson is well-known in the field of regenerative medicine. He has a lot of experience using advanced cellular therapies to help people’s bodies heal. He has successfully administered many injections over his 12-year career and continues looking for ways to improve his treatment.
Are you tired of dealing with neck pain and looking for a solution? Well, guess what? Regenerative Masters has got you covered! Our regenerative therapies have made a massive difference in hundreds of people’s lives.
Our team of healthcare experts is dedicated to helping you get the treatment and resources you need to heal your body and mind.
So, are you ready to bid farewell to pain and start living on your own terms? Don’t hesitate to contact us to get complete neck pain treatment.
Email us at or call (612) 800-5096 to get started on your journey towards a pain-free life today!
Services provided at Regenerative Masters are not covered by insurance so that we may maintain the highest of standards in your care.
Stem cell therapies are currently not FDA approved. Individual results may vary.
This website does not offer medical advice and nothing on the website is intended to constitute professional advice for medical diagnosis or treatment. The content provided is for informational purposes only.